This is a doctoral course examining advanced topics on portfolio choice and, especially, asset pricing. It is
assumed that students have an MSc-level understanding of portfolio choice under uncertainly, asset pricing
and portfolio theory, allowing the course to concentrate on an advanced treatment of these topics. We will
not assume, however, previous exposure to doctoral courses in quantitative finance, financial economics
and/or econometrics. In other words, this will be a foundational course in doctoral-level asset pricing. The
overarching goal and my hope are that, upon completion of this course, students will be able to go on a
journey of discovery of the recent research in asset pricing and will have the conceptual and intellectual
tools to contribute to it, as well as to contribute to the dissemination of the insight of rigorous asset pricing
to other areas of financial (e.g., corporate finance and risk management, banking) and economic (both micro
and macro) research. Therefore, the priority will be to lay down foundations for serious scholarly research
in asset pricing and for using asset pricing in autonomous scholarly research in other branches of Finance
and Economics, rather than to survey all latest research articles (though we will discuss a good few of
them). This means that we will have to devote considerable attention to the classics and to classic problems
in portfolio choice and asset pricing. This is the only way to properly understand what recent research is up
to. In the process, we will have the opportunity to build intuition and shed light on key properties of
important and familiar estimators. For example, we will discover that OLS, Maximum Likelihood and panel
estimators are all special cases of GMM. Perhaps more importantly, we will gain familiarity with proofs.
The aim will be to get students used to read, understand and adapt proofs and, possibly, make them
confident enough to develop their own proofs from scratch. More generally, the rigor of asset pricing theory
should help students develop the ability to better structure their arguments.
The main theoretical framework of the course is the ongoing revolution in Finance that has gradually
replaced static, overly stylized asset pricing and investment evaluation models with richer ones. These new
models recognize the complexities of the investment problem and of how economic agents solve it (or
attempt to do so). The unifying theme will be the role of stochastic discount factors (or pricing kernels) in
linking asset prices to asset payoffs. We will learn how they can be used to represent the implications of
asset pricing models in different setting (complete and incomplete markets, with or without frictions and
over one or more periods). It will be fun to discover how easily (in two lines) familiar models involving
risk factor loadings (e.g., the market beta) and risk premia (e.g., the market risk premium) pop out from
models expressed in terms of a given stochastic discount factor. Increasingly it is hard to miss the
implications of advanced asset pricing for advanced portfolio management, and the lessons the practitioners
of the former can gain from the practitioners of the latter. Therefore, the course will treat portfolio choice
and asset pricing in a unified manner.
Please keep your laptop ready for action as it will be needed for empirical applications, which are essential
to shed light on the theory, how it has developed and the challenges it faces. I expect most students will
have access to Matlab and, therefore, the code that I will make available will be mostly for use in Matlab
but I will do my best to support also other programming languages (I know R well, which is a good
substitute for Matlab) and some of the work can be at least fruitfully prototyped in MS Excel (an excellent
learning tool).
Students are encouraged to read the reference material in the textbook before the lecture.