Big data
For the Big Data analytics we have created 3 Use Cases.
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The 3 used cases were presented all across Europe in mode than 30 events.
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For enriching the field, we have also produced significant research and the main 11 research
papers produced on the topic are:
Network Based Scoring Models to Improve Credit Risk Management in Peer to Peer Lending Platforms

Authors: Paolo Giudici, Branka Hadji-Misheva, Alessandro Spelta

Key words: network based scoring models, credit risk management, peer to peer lending

Spatial Regression Models to Improve P2P Credit Risk Management

Authors: Arianna Agosto, Paolo Giudici, Tom Leach

Key words: spatial regression models, peer to peer, credit risk management

Fintech Risk Management: A Research Challenge for Artificial Intelligence in Finance

Authors: Paolo Giudici

Key words: fintech risk management, artificial intelligence, finance

Will they repay their debt? Identification of borrowers likely to be charged off

Authors: Caplescu, RD., Panaite, AM., Pele, DT, Strat, VA.

Key words: peer-to-peer lending, creditworthiness, Logistic Regression, KNN, LightGBM

Fin vs. tech: are trust and knowledge creation key ingredients in fintech start-up emergence and financing?
Peer-to-peer loan acceptance and default prediction with artificial intelligence

Authors: J. D. Turiel, T. Aste

Key words: peer-to-peer, loan acceptance, default prediction, artificial intelligence

On the Improvement of Default Forecast Through Textual Analysis

Authors: Paola Cerchiello, Roberta Scaramozzino

Key words: default forecast, textual analysis, credit worthiness

Latent factor models for credit scoring in P2P systems

Authors: Daniel Felix Ahelegbey, Paolo Giudici, Branka Hadji-Misheva

Key words: credit risk, factor models, financial technology, peer-to-peer, scoring models, spatial clustering

Default count-based network models for credit contagion

Authors: Arianna Agosto, Daniel Felix Ahelegbey

Key words: financial networks, inter-sector contagion, poisson autoregressive models, vector autoregressive models, conditional Granger causality

Comparing Performance of Machine Learning Algorithms for Default Risk Prediction in Peer to Peer Lending

Authors: Yanka Aleksandrova

Key words: machine learning, peer to peer lending, credit scoring, ensemble classifiers, XGBoos


Risk-return modelling in the p2p lending market: Trends, gaps, recommendations and future directions

Authors: Miller-Janny Ariza-Garzón, María-Del-Mar Camacho-Miñano, María-Jesús Segovia-Vargas, Javier Arroyo

Key words: risk management modeling, credit risk modeling, profit and investment modeling, P2P lending, machine learning