The second Yushan Conference “FinTech & RegTech Fundamentals Techs Apps”

The second Yushan Conference “FinTech & RegTech Fundamentals. Techs. Apps” is organized by the Humboldt University of Berlin and National Chiao Tung University, supported by COST Action CA19130 "Fintech and Artificial Intelligence in Finance” and fintech-ho2020.eu

The conference will take place on December 10-11, 2020, online. It will cover a broad spectrum of topics on blockchain ecosystem, AI methods for financial applications as well as COVID-19 data analysis from both academic and industrial prospective. The keynote speakers are Dr. Ko-Yang Wang (Fusion360, TW), Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Karl Härdle (HU Berlin, DE), and Prof. Dr. Felix Irresberger (DU, UK).

The use case Financial Risk Meter (FRM) from the Fintech Horizon 2020 Project was generalized to the Asia stock market, Professor Dr. Wolfgang Karl Härdle will present it on December 11, 2020.



More information can pe found in the folowing here