After a successful kick-off on the 14th October 2020, the European Commission brought together more than 200 distinguished expert-level participants to participate to the roundtable discussions.
On the 11th of November the event entitled Fintech, Digital Assets and Smart Grids took part.
The roundtable discussions “ICT Verticals and Horizontals for Blockchain Standardisation” allowed H2020 projects to present the work done and explore more active involvement into activities of blockchain standardisation bodies. Roundtables involved distinguished standardisation experts working with INATBA, ETSI, CEN-CENELEC, ISO TC307, IEEE, ITU-T and other respective entities.
ETSI PDL ISG has identified approximately 200 Horizon 2020 projects that in one way or another relate to blockchain. They were contacted by the European Commission and more than 60 of them expressed their interest to participate.
Our colleagues Anca Toma and our coordinator Professor Paolo Giudici represented our project during the event.