The STAT of ML Conference took place from the 27. to the 28. of August 2020 in Prague, CZ. The scientific focus of the conference is rigorous statistical understanding of machine learning methods. Wolfgang Karl Härdle, the coordinator of FINTECH Ho2020 in Germany is one of co-organizers of the Conference. Souhir Ben Amor, Humboldt Research Fellowship Recipient of the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, and the doctoral students Danial Saef, Bingling Wang, Elizaveta Zinovyeva, Bruno Spilak, and Xinwen Ni presented their research results on ML methods applications in systemic risk modelling, tail risk protection, antisocial online behavior detection and building of regulatory risk index for cryptocurrencies. The respective programme and more details can be found here.
The next event is an annual workshop “Rumble in the Jungle” will be held on October 2nd - October 7th, 2020 in Buckow, Germany. We cordially invite FINTECH partners to participate. The full list of forthcoming events organised by Humboldt University FINTECH team and IRTG 1792 can be found here.